Desire for Freedom



“Because actually not everyone wants to know who they are, not everyone wants to be free. In fact, only very few people on Earth that even desire to experience more in their lives.

It was never the matter of time and money, never about the age or life backgrounds. It is the matter of the desire to want more, and not a lot of people  actually want more.”

That was the Teacher’s answer.


Later on, I got a chance to spend some time with him, and out of curiosity, I asked, “So… Why do so few people desire to be free?”


The Teacher looked at me quietly and then answered,

“It is a Blessing to be granted a desire to be free.

It is an immense Blessing to have that spark of desire to experience something more than what we were told life should be; it is a Blessing to have the desire to experience everything in its fullest rather than trying to survive; It is a great Blessing to really want to know who we truly are beyond who we think we have been; And, it is one thing to recognize that desire, it is another thing to make that desire your priority  It is up to us to make it such a burning desire that we create exactly what we need to achieve it.  People who actually follow the call of that desire and find their Path are even fewer. But it is by choice.”


I know sometimes life doesn’t seem to go anywhere, sometimes it feels like we are trying to go beyond some repetitive loops of things, but don’t know where to start. Sometimes it feels like there is something more than what we know and what we have been currently experiencing.  Sometimes it feels like we are trying to search for the next thing to fill a sense of emptiness in our hearts, but never find the “right” thing.  Sometimes we feel like we want something but we don’t know exactly what we want.


It is a great blessing to feel this way. It is a great blessing to be granted this desire to want more in life. It is a great blessing to have this remembrance somewhere in our being that who we truly are is way bigger than what this world has been telling us.


You came across this website because some part of you remembers, and the conscious part of you desires to remember it fully.  It is a rare blessing that you are granted.


And now, how you want to act upon it is up to you. You can treat this sense of "knowing-ness" or desire as just one more of those hypothetical, day-dreamed, unpractical and rather impossible things, ignore it, and get on with your journey of survival; or, you can treat it as a nice, noble desire, but something to be held off until you’ve made sure that all the other parts of your life are well taken care of, and then you can do something about this it; or, you can make it as your absolute priority now, find a way to experience and recognize the greatest part of your Self, and base the rest of your life upon that inner experience of your true Divinity, living every moment free of all limitations.


This Universe will respond immediately to what you decide.


It starts by your choice.

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