MSI Ishaya
  • 語言: 中文, 荷蘭文, 英文, 葡萄牙文
  • 電子信箱:

Maharishi Sadashiva was the Teacher of Maharishi Krishnananda. He brought Ascension to the West in the early 90´s and lived a life dedicated to Truth and liberation. He passed away in 1997.

Maharishi Sadashiva was de leraar van MKI. In de vroege jaren 90 heeft hij Ascension naar het Westen gebracht. Zijn leven was gewijd aan de waarheid. Hij verliet deze aarde in 1997.

Maharishi Sadashiva foi o professor de Maharishi Krishnananda. Ele trouxe a Ascensão para o mundo ocidental nos anos 90 e viveu uma vida dedicada à Verdade e à liberação. Ele morreu em 1997.

Maharishi Sadashiva 是MKI的上師。他在九〇年代初將揚昇傳到西方,並將生命全然奉獻給真理。於1997年逝世。
