2-Day Advanced Course

  • On: Richmond, Regne Unit de la Gran Bretanya i Irlanda del Nord - Richmond North Yorkshire
  • Quan: dissabte 29 oct. 10:00 – diumenge 30 oct. 17:00
 Més informació

Els teus mestres:

For anyone who has learned to Ascend, advanced courses are a chance to learn more, discover more, and rest more… and definitely laugh more!

If you are interested in accommodation for the weekend in the stunning Temple Lodge (from private en-suite, to private or shared room with shared bath available), please get in touch. There will be the opportunity for wild swimming for the hardy and exploring woodland and river walks or the historic town of Richmond.

Booking and payment secures your place, as places are limited.

Come and join us!

Si vols reservar aquest curs o tens alguna pregunta, si us plau escriu-nos a través del formulari d'aquí sota

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