
Maitreya Ishaya
  • 地點: Oslo, 挪威
  • 語言: 英文, 挪威文
  • 電子信箱:
  • 電話: +47 468 43 977

I have been teaching Ascension since 2004. I used to work as a stockbroker in London and New York. Stressed out, I quit my job and went searching for peace and happiness. Shortly afterwards I learned to Ascend, and it gave me what I was looking for.

I am now a writer and inspirational speaker, and I have written a book about my journey called, The Broker who Broke Free.

I have been teaching Ascension since 2004. I used to work as a stockbroker in London and New York. Stressed out, I quit my job and went searching for peace and happiness. Shortly afterwards I learned to Ascend, and it gave me what I was looking for.

I am now a writer and inspirational speaker, and I have written a book about my journey called, The Broker who Broke Free.
