2 Day Advanced Course (Weekend) in Surrey

  • Onde: Bookham, United Kingdom - Great Bookham, Leatherhead, Surrey
  • Quando: sábado 15 abr. 10:00 – domingo 16 abr. 17:00
 Mais informações

Seus Professores:

Advanced weekends are a wonderful opportunity to dive deeper and refine your practice, helping to further stablise your experience.

You will have plenty of opportunity to ask questions if you have any. We are here to support you in a way that best serves you. The weekends are fun, relaxing, engaging and expansive.

You will also be able to receive extra techniques should you wish. (As you are most likely aware, there is a cost for these).

We look forward to further exploring the magic of Ascension with you!

Chandrama & Darshana

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