Advanced Weekend (with potential for residential TBC nearer the time)

  • On: Skipton, Regne Unit de la Gran Bretanya i Irlanda del Nord - Lothersdale, nr Skipton, North Yorkshire BD20 8HX
  • Quan: dissabte 11 set. 10:00 – diumenge 12 set. 17:00
 Més informació

El teu mestre:

The silent heart ✨

Shining like a pure diamond in every illuminated moment is a silent presence alive complete pure and unbroken.
This is available to all excluding of none.
Some may call it the silent heart or pure unconditional love.
Join Darshana and Maya for a weekend of silence threaded with gentle guidance to discover what it is to let go to the pure state of love.
Exploring from silence any part of of the self we believe isn’t lovable and learning to fall back into the love of the true self.

Si vols reservar aquest curs o tens alguna pregunta, si us plau escriu-nos a través del formulari d'aquí sota

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