FREE Introduction to Ascension; Beyond Meditation.

  • On: Bloomington, EUA - 9518 12th Avenue South, Bloomington MN. 55425 (mapa)
  • Quan: dimarts 09 gen. 19:00 - 20:30
 Més informació

Els teus mestres:

The Bright Path is an international organization of Ishaya Monks dedicated to the healing and awakening of humanity. We teach a simple, & incredibly effective practice known as Ascension.The Ishayas come from a long lineage of teachers that are ancient in origin.

 Beyond the chaos of the limited thinking mind there is a field into a direct relationship to the source of peace, love and joy! Ascension goes beyond conventional meditation and returns the mind to its natural state of peace and grace.  Ascension is an ancient practice based on;

 Praise, Gratitude, Love and Compassion:

Praise – Heals our inner experience of life and returns awareness back to the present moment.

*  Gratitude – Heals the judgments about our body and the world that we live in.

*  Love – Heals our relationship to God and dissolves the judgments that create feelings of unworthiness.

*  Compassion – Contains the essence of the first three attitudes & heals our relationship to all of humanity.

   Ascension has been known as the blueprint for the return of grace and connection to God. The attitudes are the seeds for creating heaven on earth and living life in harmony with the source of creation itself.  When used consistently they affect all areas of one’s life and each other. The Ishayas’ Ascension is a universal practice that requires no belief and is taught worldwide to people from all religious backgrounds. 

In this introductory talk you will learn more about the Ishayas’ and about what we teach in a First Sphere Course.  You will also be taught a simple exercise in awareness that you can use at home and have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.


Tuesday January 9th. 2024


7:00-8:30pm Central Time


The Minnesota Bright Path Center:

9518 12th. Ave S. Bloomington MN.,  55425

OR:  Zoom

Please Scroll to the bottom of the page to register and indicate if you will be attending the introduction in person or on zoom.

The Bright Path MN Ishayas:

Draupadi Ishaya- 607-329-4966

Bhakti Ishaya – 612-308-7663

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