Introduction to Ascension – Beyond Meditation

  • On: Carmichael, EUA - Physical Address and Zoom login will be sent upon registration
  • Quan: divendres 23 set. 19:00 - 20:30
 Més informació

Els teus mestres:

The Ishayas of Bright Path teach a simple, & incredibly effective practice of meditation known as Ascension.

Beyond the chaos of the limited thinking mind there is a field into a direct relationship to the source of peace, love and joy! Ascension goes beyond conventional meditation and returns the mind to its natural state of peace and grace.  Ascension is an ancient practice based on Praise, Gratitude, Love and Compassion.

In this introductory talk you will learn more about the Ishayas’ and about what we teach in a First Sphere Course.

We hope to see you there!

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