Advanced weekend

  • On: Canewdon, Regne Unit de la Gran Bretanya i Irlanda del Nord - Canewdon, Rochford, Essex
  • Quan: dissabte 21 ag. 10:00 – diumenge 22 ag. 17:00
 Més informació

Els teus mestres:

Join us for this great opportunity to actually ‘get together’ and explore the silence and peace within. Would you like to deepen your experience of the silence, in the company of others? We will have plenty of time to ascend together and to explore our experience of the stillness, and to have fun together.

We look forward to seeing you for the weekend or for one day.

There may be the opportunity for  limited free accommodation at the venue so please get in touch

Please email or complete the form below to register for the course, or for more information.

Si vols reservar aquest curs o tens alguna pregunta, si us plau escriu-nos a través del formulari d'aquí sota

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