


What is unconditional love but the absolute acceptance of what is?
When it comes down to it, we have no control over feeling love, yet acceptance is a choice.
Acceptance is the end of judgement. It is the end of resistance, of struggle. It is surrender, letting go.
As resistance ends your defenses drop away and you are open. Nothing can grow beyond a hard shell.
Acceptance is getting in the back seat and letting God drive.
Acceptance isn't giving up your dreams or desires. It is knowing that life can only be experienced now. All journeys are made of single steps consisting of the same intention.
Acceptance is the seed that means you choose to be thankful for and love what you do have, and not be blinded by what you believe to be missing.
Acceptance is the end of the past and the future. Comparison cannot exist in the light of acceptance.
Acceptance is dawning of peace, contentment, joy and forgiveness - for yourself and for all others.
Accept everything, resist nothing.
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