
Testimonials - Kelly

"Ascension has brought me many blessings over the years. I am outwardly calm but had been internally very stressed, anxious, self-conscious, scared and insecure. Now, I am much more balanced on the inside as well. I have less fear and anxiety and feel much more secure in myself and who I AM. I have more joy and peace in my life than ever before and I thank all the Ascension teachers who have graced me with their knowledge, love and faith."

Kelly, from Canada, Chiropractor

Testimonials - Kay

“Before I learned to Ascend, I doubted that it would work for me, that I could do it right, find the time, and the list went on. However, I listened to the Ishayas explain the teaching at an introductory talk. I realised it could be so simple, easy and effective and I was ready to give it a go. That was my lightbulb moment. Ascension changed not only my life but also my whole being. I had known true peace was within me but hadn't found a way to access it. Ascension gave me the ability and freedom to find that peace and to live from there. Can I just add... Why wait? "There is no time like the present."

Kay, from Australia, Retired

Testimonials - Dave Holmes

“Ascension has been life-changing. One of the many gifts for me has been a bridge between knowledge and experience. Before Ascension, I always knew that I had plenty to be grateful for, but I didn’t really experience gratitude. Now there’s an almost permanent experience of gratitude, self-acceptance and self-love. There is a deeper, more compassionate connection with everyone. What an incredible gift!"

Dave, from the UK, Musician

Testimonials - Mary Bowden

"For me, the practise of Ascension has transformed an experience of sadness, trauma, and disillusionment, to one of appreciation and joy. This simple practice very clearly defines the basic choice between peace and pain, and in making this choice, what is revealed is extraordinary. I wish for everyone to experience what it is to grow naturally and effortlessly into self-love, peace, and joy. Best of all, I find that I have remembered so fully my life’s purpose, that I am impelled to continue, as if in reading a great novel — perfectly engrossed in each moment while sensing the greatness beyond. For this, I am forever grateful to the Ishayas of the Bright Path."

Mary, from the US, Hairdresser and Salon Owner

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